Thursday, March 5, 2015

ciksi - 'explain '

cki expla
'explain '
x1 (person) explains x2 (event/state/property) to x3 with explanation x4 (du'u) 1h 53 [explanation x4 is an underlying mechanism/details

[explanation x4 is an underlying mechanism/details/purpose/method for x2 (= velcki for reordered places), generally assumed to be non-obvious; metaphorical usage with the various causal relations (i.e. jalge, mukti, krinu, rinka, nibli, zukte) is possible, but the non-obviousness, and the existence of an explainer with a point of view makes this word not a simple expression of cause]; (cf. cipra, danfu, jalge, jinvi, krinu, mukti, nabmi, preti, rinka, sidbo, zukte, tavla)


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