Monday, March 24, 2008

dansu - 'dance'



x1 (individual, mass) dances to accompaniment/music/rhythm x2

(cf. bende, zgike, zajba)

I will consider the suggestion topic "Things you can lose in your pocket" in a later post this week. ;) I have no good idea how to describe this week's topic, so I will add tags later.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering, how would you say "Everybody, walk the dinosaur!!"? [zo'o]
I.e., how to combine ko with ro ?
Perhaps with .e'u instead of ko:
.e'usai ro dansu la ba'ires.

Anonymous said...

sa .e'usai ro lo prenu cu dansu la .ba'ires.

mungojelly said...

You can combine "ro" with "ko" just like this: "ro ko"! I like the phrase: ".i ro ko lojbo"! .i ro ko dansu lo lojbo rilti .ui