Sunday, March 27, 2016

jarco - 'show '

ja'o show
'show '
x1 (agent) shows/exhibits/displays/[reveals]/demonstrates x2 (property) to audience x3 8c 85 [reveal (= tolmipygau, mipyja'o, sivja'o); also: x

[reveal (= tolmipygau, mipyja'o, sivja'o); also: x1 shows that x2, x1 shows off x2; showing an object is generally expressed with a tu'a x2, since the properties of the shown object (other than its presence) intended for observation are seldom specified (simple presence could be expressed by leka [object] cu zvati)]; (cf. tigni, cipra, zgana, jvinu, lanli, mipri, simlu)


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