Wednesday, July 23, 2008

jdini - 'money'

din, di'i


x1 is money/currency issued by x2; (adjective:) x1 is financial/monetary/pecuniary/fiscal

* 'currency' sometimes is restricted to paper money (=pledi'i).

cf. fepni, jdima, rupnu, sicni, canja, rupnu

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

prali - 'profit'



x1 is a profit/gain/benefit/advantage to x2 accruing/resulting from activity/process x3

* also (fe) x2 profits from x3 (= selterprali for reordered places)
* x1 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property
* pedantically, for objects/commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object/commodity (= selposprali for unambiguous semantics)

cf. vecnu, cnemu, pleji, jinga, canja, sfasa, jerna, jdima, dunda, zivle

zivle - 'invest'

ziv vle


x1 (agent) invests resources x2 in investment x3 expecting return/profit x4 (object(s)/event)

* also ties up/[risks/gambles]
* x1 is an investor
* x2 are invested assets of x1
* bond (= jertervle)]

cf. prali, canja, jbera, dejni, ponse

I will simply ignore the fact that I didn't manage to post the last few weeks. I'll try to collect words related to finance/trading/investment this week.