sav vru noise
'noise 'clamor' '
x1 is a noise/din/clamor [sensory input without useful information] to x2 via sensory channel x3 2g 72 (cf. sance, cladu, kerlo, smaji, tirna, siclu)
(cf. sance, cladu, kerlo, smaji, tirna, siclu)
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(cf. sance, cladu, kerlo, smaji, tirna, siclu)
(cf. centi, decti, dekto, femti, gigdo, gocti, gotro, kilto, megdo, mikri, milti, nanvi, petso, picti, terto, xatsi, xecto, xexso, zepti, zetro)
[also x2 scrubs/wipes/brushes (against) x3 (= seltermosra); non-agentive rub (= termosra)]; (cf. sakli, sraku, jabre, satre, guska, pencu, spali)
(cf. cinje, klupe, kruvi, polje, sarlu, sirji, bargu, genxu)
[indicates a subjective greatness, as compared to the objective standard implied for barda; (synonyms, possibly requiring tanru:) extraordinary, illustrious, magnificent, impressive, awesome, grandiose, august, inspiring, special, majestic, distinguished, eminent, splendor, stately, imposing (all generally zabna); terrible (mabla)]; (cf. barda, nobli, se sinma, pluja, misno, vajni, fasnu, cizra, traji, mutce, se manci)
[words usable for epistemology typically have a du'u place]; (cf. stace, jitfa, fatci, birti, cfika)
[also enterprise/organization (if chartered)]; (cf. kansa, kamni, banxa, bende)
[x3 also answer/reply]; [if x2 is a person/object, it will usually require "tu'a" indicating that the reply/response is to that person/object doing something. "tu'a" may not be needed if the person/object itself is the stimulus, rather than something it is doing];(cf. cusku, preti, nabmi, danfu, frati, cpedu)
(cf. cidja, citka, djica, nitcu, taske)
(cf. ckabu, tcena)
[also: x1 is formal, [legal]; x1 is 'going through the motions']; x4 constraints/customs; (cf. lijda, malsi, flalu, javni, tcaci, clite, junri)
[probably preferred for metaphorical siblings (over bruna)] (cf. dzena, famti, mensi, bruna, tunba)
[x1 is a salesperson/salesman/vendor; x3 buys x2 from x1 (= terve'u for reordered terms); x4 is the price of x2 to x3 (= velve'u for reordered terms); for sale (= fitselve'u, selvenfriti); x2 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property; pedantically, for objects/commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object/commodity (= posyve'u, posyselve'u for unambiguous semantics)]; (cf. canja, dunda, janta, pleji, jerna, kargu, prali, zarci, vamji, jdima; see note at jdima on cost/price/value distinction, fepni, friti, jerna, rupnu)
[also accidental, chancy, by chance, adventitious, arbitrary (also = cuncu'a, cunselcu'a, cunjdi, cunseljdi; based on "unpredictable")]; (cf. cnici, lakne, funca, kalsa, snuti)
(cf. blabi, grusi, manku, skari, xekri, kandi, carmi, blanu, bunre, cicna, crino, narju, nukni, pelxu, xunre, zirpu)
(cf. birka)
(cf. klani, mapti, sarxe, zmadu, mleca, dunli)
[agentive deception (= ticygau, ticyzu'e); x3 could be an action or a belief on the part of x2; harmful intent or result is not implied (= malticyzu'e for such harmful intent); self deception (= sezytcica); deceive/trick into misguided action (= ticyxlu); misguided belief (= tickri); fib/lie/tell an untruth/lie/fib (= ticysku, jifsku), white lie (= zanticysku)]; (cf. stace, xlura, stidi, kajde)
(cf. stuzi, zvati, jibni)
(cf. jinme, tunka, lastu)
(cf. cilta, jgena, marna, bikla, linsi)
[event which inspires/suggests/is suggestive (= faurti'i, sidyfau)]; (cf. cmavo list ti'i, tcica, xlura)
[explanation x4 is an underlying mechanism/details/purpose/method for x2 (= velcki for reordered places), generally assumed to be non-obvious; metaphorical usage with the various causal relations (i.e. jalge, mukti, krinu, rinka, nibli, zukte) is possible, but the non-obviousness, and the existence of an explainer with a point of view makes this word not a simple expression of cause]; (cf. cipra, danfu, jalge, jinvi, krinu, mukti, nabmi, preti, rinka, sidbo, zukte, tavla)
(cf. jarbu, rarna, tcadu, cange)
[also chromosome = (gincilta, ginpoi)]; (cf. cerda)
(cf. cifnu, ninmu, verba, banro, farvi, nanmu)
[also: x1 is x3-est/utmost in x2 among x4; x1 is the x3 end of x4; x1 is extreme; x1 is simply x3]; (cf. cmavo list rai, jimte, milxe, mutce, note contrast with milxe and mutce rather than with mleca and zmadu, which are values for x3, banli, curve, fanmo, krasi, manfo, prane)