Tuesday, November 4, 2008

morna - 'pattern'

mon, mo'a


x1 is/reflects/represents a pattern of forms/events x2 arranged according to structure x3.

* x3 is a model for x1 (= termontai, or the more abstract = termonsi'o)
* image (= gusmo'a, nenmo'a, dairmo'a, selylenmo'a, selmirmo'a, velmirmo'a, but also all of these -tai instead of -mo'a for the ideal)

cf. ciste, ganzu, marji, slilu, stura, tarmi, boxna, cimde, gidva, jimpe, rilti.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Some news

Hi there!

Finally a new post! I wonder if there's anyone still reading this. I didn't have enough time for Lojban, so I stopped learning words and consequently stopped posting new ones. I will start posting words again, maybe one a more irregular basis, we will see.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

jdini - 'money'

din, di'i


x1 is money/currency issued by x2; (adjective:) x1 is financial/monetary/pecuniary/fiscal

* 'currency' sometimes is restricted to paper money (=pledi'i).

cf. fepni, jdima, rupnu, sicni, canja, rupnu

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

prali - 'profit'



x1 is a profit/gain/benefit/advantage to x2 accruing/resulting from activity/process x3

* also (fe) x2 profits from x3 (= selterprali for reordered places)
* x1 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property
* pedantically, for objects/commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object/commodity (= selposprali for unambiguous semantics)

cf. vecnu, cnemu, pleji, jinga, canja, sfasa, jerna, jdima, dunda, zivle

zivle - 'invest'

ziv vle


x1 (agent) invests resources x2 in investment x3 expecting return/profit x4 (object(s)/event)

* also ties up/[risks/gambles]
* x1 is an investor
* x2 are invested assets of x1
* bond (= jertervle)]

cf. prali, canja, jbera, dejni, ponse

I will simply ignore the fact that I didn't manage to post the last few weeks. I'll try to collect words related to finance/trading/investment this week.

Monday, June 23, 2008

ki'e - thanks

This week:

* jarco 'show'
* mapti 'fit'
* judri 'address'
* vreji 'record'
* terpa 'fear'

Thanks for reading this blog. Topic suggestions for next week?

Just to remember you:

* rinka 'cause'
* krino 'reason'
* gasnu 'do'
* fasnu 'event'
* gleki 'happy'

The words of the week before summed up:

* sidja 'help'
* nitcu 'need'
* djuno 'know'
* dinju 'building'
* cunso 'random'

The words of the week before the week before were:

* taxfu 'garment'
* cekra 'shirt'
* palku 'pants'
* skaci 'skirt'
* pastu 'robe'

The long-long-time ago words:

* balvi 'past'
* purci 'future'
* cmima 'member'
* lerfu 'letteral
* zmadu 'more'

Friday, June 20, 2008

jarco - 'show'



x1 (agent) shows/exhibits/displays/[reveals]/demonstrates x2 (property) to audience x3

* reveal (= tolmipygau, mipyja'o, sivja'o)
* also: x1 shows that x2, x1 shows off x2
* showing an object is generally expressed with a tu'a x2, since the properties of the shown object (other than its presence) intended for observation are seldom specified (simple presence could be expressed by leka [object] cu zvati

cf. tigni, cipra, zgana, jvinu, lanli, mipri, simlu

Thursday, June 19, 2008

mapti - 'fit'



x1 fits/matches/suits/is compatible/appropriate/corresponds to/with x2 in property/aspect x3

cf. satci, tugni, sarxe, drani, tarmi, ckini, mintu

judri - 'address'



x1 is an address of/are coordinates of x2 in system x3

cf. tcita, cmene, ciste, stuzi

Ha, I managed to post something today! .ui

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

vreji - 'record'

jre, vei


x1 is a record of x2 (data/facts/du'u) about x3 (object/event) preserved in medium x4

cf. sorcu, datni, papri

Monday, June 16, 2008

terpa - 'fear'



x1 fears x2; x1 is afraid/scared/frightened by/fearful of x2 (event/tu'a object)

* also: x1 feels terror about x2;
* x2 is fearsome/fearful/frightening/scary to x1 (= selte'a to reorder places)

cf. snura, xalni, xanka, virnu

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Co-workers needed!

Hello together!

I need some co-workers to make the posts more regular. Please comment, mail me or tell me your blogger account name on irc, so I can add you as an author/contributor.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

ki'e - thanks

This week:

* rinka 'cause'
* krino 'reason'
* gasnu 'do'
* fasnu 'event'
* gleki 'happy'

Again, I need some help to post on a daily basis. Volunteers are welcome.
Thanks for still reading if you do so. I'll install something to give me access statistics, just to make sure I'm not doing this in vain.

Just to remember you:

* sidja 'help'
* nitcu 'need'
* djuno 'know'
* dinju 'building'
* cunso 'random'

The words of the week before summed up:

* taxfu 'garment'
* cekra 'shirt'
* palku 'pants'
* skaci 'skirt'
* pastu 'robe'

The words of the week before the week before were:

* balvi 'past'
* purci 'future'
* cmima 'member'
* lerfu 'letteral
* zmadu 'more'

The long-long-time ago words:

* darlu 'argue'
* girzu 'group'
* tinbe 'obey'
* kagni 'company'
* zekri 'crime'

Friday, June 13, 2008

gelki - 'happy'

gek, gei


x1 is happy/gay/merry/glad/gleeful about x2 (event/state)

* adversity (= kamnalgei)

cf. badri, cinmo

gelki is related to the attitudinal {.ui}, see also

Thursday, June 12, 2008

fasnu - 'event'



x1 (event) is an event that happens/occurs/takes place; x1 is an incident/happening/occurrence

cf. cmavo list fau, krefu, lifri, fatci, rapli; gasnu, zukte, if speci
fically agentive, banli

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

gasnu - 'do'



x1 [person/agent] is an agentive cause of event x2; x1 does/brings about x2

cf. cmavo list gau, gunka, zukte, rinka, fasnu for non-agentive events, jibri, kakne, pilno)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

krinu - 'reason'



x1 (event/state) is a reason/justification/explanation for/causing/permitting x2 (event/state)

cf. ciksi, rinka, nibli, mukti, se jalge, te zukte, cmavo list ki'u, bapli

Let me point you to modals: http://jbotcan.org/cllc/c9/s7.html
There are a lot more, but I won't post them all ;)

Monday, June 9, 2008

rinka - 'cause'

rik, ri'a


x1 (event/state) effects/physically causes effect x2 (event/state) under conditions x3

* x1 is a material condition for x2
* x1 gives rise to x2

cf. gasnu, krinu, nibli, te zukte, se jalge, bapli, jitro, cmavo list ri'a, mukti, ciksi, xruti

Let me point you to modals: http://jbotcan.org/cllc/c9/s7.html

Saturday, May 31, 2008

ki'e - thanks

This week:

* sidja 'help'
* nitcu 'need'
* djuno 'know'
* dinju 'building'
* cunso 'random'

Thanks for still reading this blog. I apologize for creating posts "in the past". That weeks topic was "random", meaning I just picked up random words from the gismu list because I didn't have a great idea for a new topic. Suggestions, as allways, are welcome.

Just to remember you:

* taxfu 'garment'
* cekra 'shirt'
* palku 'pants'
* skaci 'skirt'
* pastu 'robe'

The words of the week before summed up:

* balvi 'past'
* purci 'future'
* cmima 'member'
* lerfu 'letteral
* zmadu 'more'

The words of the week before the week before were:

* darlu 'argue'
* girzu 'group'
* tinbe 'obey'
* kagni 'company'
* zekri 'crime'

The long-long-time ago words:

* kansa 'with'

Friday, May 30, 2008

sidju - 'help'



x1 helps/assists/aids object/person x2 do/achieve/maintain event/activity x3

(cf. cmavo list si'u, rirni, sarji, vipsi, ferti, selfu)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

nitcu - 'need'



x1 needs/requires/is dependent on/[wants] necessity x2 for purpose/action/stage of process x3

* no implication of lack

(cf. banzu, cidja, claxu, pindi, xebni, sarcu, lacri, djica, taske, xagji)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

djuno - 'know'

jun, ju'o


djuno jun ju'o know x1 knows fact(s) x2 (du'u) about subject x3 by epistemology x4

* words usable for epistemology typically have a du'u place; know how to - implying knowledge of method but not necessarily having the ability to practice (= tadjyju'o)

(cf. know/familiar with: se slabu, na'e cnino, na'e fange, cmavo list du'o, cilre, certu, facki, jijnu, jimpe, senpi, smadi, kakne, birti, mipri, morji, saske, viska)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

dinju - 'building'

dij, di'u


x1 is a building/edifice for purpose x2

cf. ginka, zdani, zarci)

Monday, May 26, 2008

cunso - 'random'

cun cu'o


x1 is random/fortuitous/unpredictable under conditions x2, with probability distribution x3.

* Also accidental, chancy, by chance, adventitious, arbitrary
* also = cuncu'a, cunselcu'a, cunjdi, cunseljdi
* based on "unpredictable"

(c.f. cnici, lakne, funca, kalsa, snuti.)

ki'e - thanks

This week:

* taxfu 'garment'
* cekra 'shirt'
* palku 'pants'
* skaci 'skirt'
* pastu 'robe'

Thanks for still reading this blog.

Just to remember you:

* balvi 'past'
* purci 'future'
* cmima 'member'
* lerfu 'letteral
* zmadu 'more'

The words of the week before summed up:

* darlu 'argue'
* girzu 'group'
* tinbe 'obey'
* kagni 'company'
* zekri 'crime'

The words of the week before the week before were:

* kansa 'with'

The long-long-time ago words:

* kelci 'play'
* bende "crew'
* bilma 'ill'
* xrani 'injure'
* gleki 'happy'

Friday, May 23, 2008

pastu - 'robe'



x1 is a robe/tunic/gown/cloak/dress/[coveralls] [a long/full body garment] of material x2

* also coveralls (= paspalku)

(cf. kosta, taxfu, palku)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

skaci - 'skirt'



x1 is a skirt/kilt/dress of material x2; x1 is skirted [garment open at the bottom; not legged]

* a skirted garment may be full length (pastu), but must hang below the waist from support above or at the waist

(cf. taxfu, palku)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

palku - 'pants'



x1 are pants/trousers/slacks/leggings [legged garment] of material x2

(cf. taxfu, pastu, skaci)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

creka - 'shirt'



x1 is a shirt/blou
se/top [upper-body garment - not necessarily sleeved or buttoned], material x2

Regarding the picture request in yesterdays comment, see http://jbo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:shirt.jpg . I don't have time to tag the picture and post it to the picture board, but if someone else wants to do that, go head! (;
(cf. taxfu)

Monday, May 19, 2008

taxfu - 'garment'

taf, ta'u


x1 is dress/a garment/clothing for wearing by x2 (gender/species/body part) serving purpose x3

* x2 can wear/is wearing x1
* refers to something intended for use as a garment, not merely something that happens to be worn at some time (which need not be true for dasni)

(cf. creka, cutci, daski, dasni, gluta, kosta, mapku, palku, pastu, skaci, smoka, lunbe)

This is also this weeks topic, following la timos suggestion. I hope it is useful to you. Maybe the gismu picture list has some pictures for visual learners.
Another remark: the gloss word for dasni is 'wear'.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

ki'e - thanks

This week:

* balvi 'past'
* purci 'future'
* cmima 'member'
* lerfu 'letteral
* zmadu 'more'

Thanks for still reading this blog. I'm note quite sure whether the references to the refgram were helpful. There is another link I wanted to post the whole week but forgot every time I wrote a post: http://jbo.wikipedia.org/wiki/pixra_liste_loi_gismu . The Lojban Wikipedia has a set of pictures for the gismu which might be helpful to the visual leaner. Maybe someone wants the joint the word of the day with the picture and post it on the lojban picture board at http://jbotcan.org/jbo/ .

Just to remember you:

* darlu 'argue'
* girzu 'group'
* tinbe 'obey'
* kagni 'company'
* zekri 'crime'

The words of the week before summed up:

* kansa 'with'

The words of the week before the week before were:

* kelci 'play'
* bende "crew'
* bilma 'ill'
* xrani 'injure'
* gleki 'happy'

The long-long-time ago words:

* jivna 'compete'
* talsa 'challenge'
* bapli 'force'
* jinga 'win'
* certu 'expert'

Friday, May 16, 2008

zmadu - 'more'

zma, mau


x1 exceeds/is more than x2 in property/quantity x3 (ka/ni) by amount/excess x4

* also positive (= nonmau)

(cf. cmavo list mau, mleca, zenba, jmina, bancu, dukse, traji)

Today I want to point to comparatives and superlatives: http://www.lojban.org/sv/publications/reference_grammar/chapter12.html#s15

This is the last word of this weeks series. I already have a new topic for next week :)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

lerfu - 'letteral'



x1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a letter/digit/symbol in alphabet/character-set x2 representing x3

* also x1 glyph, rune, character (also me'o BY/word-bu), x2 symbol set
* (adjective:) x1 is alphabetic/symbolic
* "letteral" used by analogy with "numeral"
* sinxa is the more generic symbol

(cf. mifra, namcu, sinxa, pandi)

Today I can point to http://www.lojban.org/en/publications/reference_grammar/chapter17.html (Chapter 17: As Easy As A-B-C? The Lojban Letteral System And Its Uses ) as well as http://www.lojban.org/en/publications/reference_grammar/chapter4.html (Chapter 4: The Shape Of Words To Come: Lojban Morphology). Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

cmima - 'member'

mim, cmi


x1 is a member/element of set x2; x1 belongs to group x2; x1 is amid/among/amongst group x2

* x1 may be a complete or incomplete list of members
* x2 is normally marked by la'i/le'i/lo'i, defining the set in terms of its common property(ies), though it may be a complete enumeration of the membership

(cf. ciste, porsi, jbini, girzu, gunma, klesi, cmavo list mei, kampu, lanzu, liste)

I thought I can draw your attention to the descriptors for masses and sets for some words (as cmima for example) require the usage of these descriptors:


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

purci - 'past'

pur, pru


x1 is in the past of/earlier than/before x2 in time sequence; x1 is former; x2 is latter

* time ordering only (use lidne otherwise)
* aorist in that x1 may overlap in time with x2 as long as it starts before, x1 starts before x2 but is contin
uing during x2 (= cfaprucabna)
* non-aorist before, i.e. x1 is over/ended before x2 starts (= fampru), x1 is completed before x2 starts (= mulpru)

(cf. lidne, balvi, cabna, farna)

Todays word is related to the cmavo

pu PU past

which indicates past tense. See also the Lojban Reference Grammar. There is also a third one, {cabna}, which indicates present, but won't be tomorrows word (:.

Monday, May 12, 2008

balvi - 'future'



x1 is in the future of/later than/after x2 in time sequence; x1 is latter; x2 is former

* also sequel, succeed, successor, follow, come(s) after; time ordering
only (use lidne otherwise)
* aorist in that x1 may overlap in time with x2 as long as it extends afterwards; non-aorist future (= cfabalvi)
* (default x2 is the space time reference, whereupon x1 will occur

(cf. lidne, cabna, purci, farna)

Up to now, most of the valsi I posted where related to real world things. This week I'll try some "abstract" words related to lojban grammar. For those still learning the more basic things it might be useful. Please give some feedback. Moreover I created some words in advance so la timos. can continue my posts if I miss yet another day (:

Todays word is related to the cmavo

ba PU future

which indicates future. See also the Lojban Reference Grammar.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

ki'e - thanks

This week:

* darlu 'argue'
* girzu 'group'
* tinbe 'obey'
* kagni 'company'
* zekri 'crime'

Thanks for still reading this blog.

Just to remember you:

* kansa 'with'

The words of the week before summed up:

* kelci 'play'
* bende "crew'
* bilma 'ill'
* xrani 'injure'
* gleki 'happy'

The words of the week before the week before were:

* jivna 'compete'
* talsa 'challenge'
* bapli 'force'
* jinga 'win'
* certu 'expert'

The long-long-time ago words:

* jaspu 'passport'
* dakli 'sack'
* gugde 'contry'
* solri 'solar'
* zbani 'bay'

Friday, May 9, 2008

zekri - 'crime'

zer, zei


x1 (event/state) is a punishable crime/[taboo/sin] to people/culture/judges/jury x2

* taboo (= kluzei, cacyzei)
* sin (= madzei, jdamadzei)
* heresy (= jdazei)];

(cf. flalu, sfasa, zungi, palci, lijda, pajni, javni, tcaci, marde, pulji, tinbe)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

kagni - 'company'



x1 is a company/corporation/firm/partnership chartered by authority x2 for purpose x3

* also enterprise/organization (if chartered)

(cf. kansa, kamni, banxa, bende)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

tinbe - 'obey'



x1 obeys/follows the command/rule x2 made by x3; (adjective:) x1 is obedient

(cf. minde, lacri, javni, flalu, zekri)

girzu - 'group'

gir, gri


x1 is group/cluster/team showing common property (ka) x2 due to set x3 linked by relations x4

* also collection, team, comprised of, comprising; members x3 (a specification of the complete membership) comprise group x1
* cluster (= kangri)

(cf. bende, ciste, cmima, gunma, panra, cabra, cecmu, kansa, klesi, lanzu, liste, vrici)

This is yesterdays word ;)

Monday, May 5, 2008

darlu - 'argue'



x1 argues for stand x2 against stand x3; [an opponent is not necessary]

(cf. fapro, jamna, sarji, talsa, sumti, tugni, casnu, damba, bradi, tavla)

I'm back and start early before leaving the house so I won't forget posting today! :) This week I'll try to collect a few words you'd encounter while watching news.I'm still looking for a short tag-word.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Hello all,

I'm very sorry for not posting during the last two weeks. I've been busy with other things. I will continue with posting words this Monday. It would be cool to have another team member who backs up the team if noone was able to post a word.

I mentioned a writing contest some posts earlier. I'm now asking if someone is interested. Please comment this entry. I was thinking about two different types: One "freestyle" type with no rules (except for correct lojban) and one with some kind of multiple-choice stories. Who would be in?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

kansa - 'with'



x1 is with/accompanies/is a companion of x2, in state/condition/enterprise x3 (event/state)

* x1 is together with/along with x2

(cf. kagni, jorne, gunma, girzu, lasna)

Doing things alone can be boring at times; The only way out is to kansa a couple of friends!

As la xris couldn't make it today, I decided to take control until he's back :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

ki'e - thanks

This week:

* kelci 'play'
* bende "crew'
* bilma 'ill'
* xrani 'injure'
* gleki 'happy'

Sorry, I'm a little behing schedule again. Thanks for still reading this blog.

Just to remember you:

The words of the week before summed up:

* jivna 'compete'
* talsa 'challenge'
* bapli 'force'
* jinga 'win'
* certu 'expert'

The words of the week before the week before were:

* jaspu 'passport'
* dakli 'sack'
* gugde 'contry'
* solri 'solar'
* zbani 'bay'

The long-long-time ago words:

* dansu 'dance'
* zgike 'music'
* skina 'cinema'
* salci 'celebrate'
* ckiku 'key'

Sunday, April 20, 2008

gleki - 'happy'

gek, gei


x1 is happy/gay/merry/glad/gleeful about x2 (event/state)

* adversity (= kamnalgei)

(cf. badri, cinmo)

If you win, you'll certainly be happy about it.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

xrani - 'injure'



x1 (event) injures/harms/damages victim x2 in property x3 (ka) resulting in injury x4 (state)

* also hurts

(cf. cortu, daspo, spofu, katna, porpi)

One negative side effect of sports can be an injury.

I noticed that I again missed some days of the week...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

bilma - 'ill'



x1 is ill/sick/diseased with symptoms x2 from disease x3

(cf. kanro, mikce, spita, senci, kafke, binra)

When you're ill you cannot compete in sports ;)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

bende - 'crew'



x1 is a crew/team/gang/squad/band of persons x2 directed/led by x3 organized for purpose x4;
x1 is a mass;
x2 is a set completely specified

* also orchestra (= zgibe'e, balzgibe'e), outfit
* x3 conductor; business, not necessarily incorporated (= cajbe'e, venbe'e)

(cf. gunma, girzu, dansu, jatna, jitro, kagni, kamni, minde, ralju, cecmu, gidva)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

kelci - 'play'

kel, kei


x1 [agent] plays with plaything/toy x2

* play game (= ci'erkei)
* play competitively (= jvikei)

(cf. jivna, jinga, zdile)

la timos came up with the idea of creating a lojbanic game. Anyone interested?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

ki'e - thanks

This week:

* jivna 'compete'
* talsa 'challenge'
* bapli 'force'
* jinga 'win'
* certu 'expert'

Thanks for reading this blog.

I ask you to take a look at http://jbotcan.org/ if you have not done that already. It's a lojban picture board and looks great. I'll also add a link to the side menu here.

Just to remember you:

The words of the week before summed up:

* jaspu 'passport'
* dakli 'sack'
* gugde 'contry'
* solri 'solar'
* zbani 'bay'

The words of the week before the week before were:

* dansu 'dance'
* zgike 'music'
* skina 'cinema'
* salci 'celebrate'
* ckiku 'key'

The long-long-time ago words:

* danlu 'animal'
* spati 'plant'
* tcima 'weather'
* barja 'bar'
* klaji 'street'

certu - 'expert'



x1 is an expert/pro/has prowess in/is skilled at x2 (event/activity) by standard x3

* also competent, skilled

(cf. djuno, stati, kakne)

It's hard to win if you have to fight an expert.

Sorry for posting this late again. Lectures start on Monday, that should normalize everything.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

jinga - 'win'

jig, ji'a


x1 (person/team) wins/gains prize x2 from/over x3 [competitors/losers] in competition x4

* also: x1 is a victor
* x2 reward
* x3 competitors here are opponents and in many situations, defeated/losers, vs. the set of those competing for a goal
* x2 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property
* pedantically, for objects/commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object/commodity (= posyji'a, posyselji'a for unambiguous semantics)

(cf. cirko, jivna, talsa, cnemu, prali, pleji, sfasa, jdima, jerna, bradi, kargu, kelci)

Oout of time, but a really longish one this time. Next update in a couple of hours for the fifth word ;)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

bapli - 'force'

bap, bai


x1 [force] (ka) forces/compels event x2 to occur; x1 determines property x2 to manifest

* also constrains; requires success, unlike the physics term (better expressed by danre)

(cf. fanta, rinju, jimte, jitro, rinka, krinu, zukte, randa, danre, cmavo list bai, marxa, tinsa, xarnu)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

talsa - 'challenge'



x1 (person) challenges x2 at/in property x3

cf. jinga, damba, darlu, jivna, nandu for a challenging event/situation

Monday, April 7, 2008

jivna - 'compete'



x1 competes/vies with opponent x2 in contest/competition x3 (event) for gain x4; x1 rivals x2

* also x2 opponent(s), competitor(s), rival(s)
* x3 competition, race
* x4 prize, reward, recognition (gain may be internal or external)

(cf. cnemu, jinga, talsa, bradi, fapro, kelci)

I tought I should introduce the word for the topic, also. This might be the topic for the next two weeks.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

ki'e - thanks

This week:

* jaspu 'passport'
* dakli 'sack'
* gugde 'contry'
* solri 'solar'
* zbani 'bay'

Please note that for some time the gloss word for {zbani} was wrong. It 'bay' is correct, not 'coast'. I'm sorry for that misinformation.

Thanks for reading this blog.

Just to remember you:

The words of the week before summed up:

* dansu 'dance'
* zgike 'music'
* skina 'cinema'
* salci 'celebrate'
* ckiku 'key'

The words of the week before the week before were:

* danlu 'animal'
* spati 'plant'
* tcima 'weather'
* barja 'bar'
* klaji 'street'

The long-long-time ago words:

* grute 'fruit'
* stagi 'vegetable'
* citka 'eat'
* jukpa 'cook'
* rectu 'meat'

Topic suggestions for next week are welcome. How about sports, math or indoor-environment?

Saturday, April 5, 2008

zbani - 'bay'



x1 is a bay in/of coast/shoreline x2

(cf. lalxu, xamsi)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

solri - 'solar'



x1 is the sun of home planet x2 (default Earth) of race x3; (adjective:) x1 is solar

* 'home planet' refers to a planet which is "home" to a race, but not necessarily the original "home" of a species if that species inhabits many worlds

(cf. gusni, lunra, mluni, plini, santa, terdi, tarci)

gugde - 'country'

gug, gu'e


x1 is the country of peoples x2 with land/territory x3; (people/territory relationship)

* also sovereignty, domestic (as opposed to foreign), nation (when not referring to ethos)

(cf. turni, natmi, jecta, tumla, tutra, lanci)

Where to travel to?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

dakli - 'sack'



x1 is a sack/bag with contents x2, and of material x3

(cf. daski for pouch, bakfu)

You could post pictures of tagged thinks you would pack for a journey .u'i

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

jaspu - 'passport'



x1 is a passport issued to x2 (person) by authority x3 allowing x4 (activity)

(cf. pikta, catni, curmi)

Only a few minutes late (due to summer time, I'd still have 22 minutes using winter time ;)) the new word. I think this week the topic will be travel (litru).

Did you know that the predecessor of the travel passport in Europe is believed to be the "Pestbrief", a document for voyagers and merchants issued in the 14th century when the Black Death posed a great threat to cities with foreigners incoming from overseas? I don't have a english source, but maybe you can make some use of the german one at http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pestbrief if you're interested.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

ki'e - thanks

The words of this week:

* dansu 'dance'
* zgike 'music'
* skina 'cinema'
* salci 'celebrate'
* ckiku 'key'

Thanks for reading this blog. I decided to tag last weeks words with jikca. I hope you agree that this is a good tag. Just to remember you:

The words of the week before summed up:

* danlu 'animal'
* spati 'plant'
* tcima 'weather'
* barja 'bar'
* klaji 'street'

The words of the week before the week before were:

* grute 'fruit'
* stagi 'vegetable'
* citka 'eat'
* jukpa 'cook'
* rectu 'meat'

Topic suggestions for next week are welcome. How about sports, math or indoor-environment?

Friday, March 28, 2008

ckiku - 'key'



x1 is a key fitting/releasing/opening/unlocking lock x2, and having relevant properties x3

* [also x2 fastener, mechanism; code key (= termifckiku, kiktermifra)
* x3 is dependent on the type of key, but are those form properties of the key that enable it to serve the function of opening the lock - in the case of a metal key to a padlock, for example, this would be the shaft and teeth]

(cf. stela)

Just in case you wonder how this word relates to all the other words of this week: Assume there is music, you are on a dancefloor and you are given a key for a car which holds yours and your friends' jackets. If you keep dancing, DO NOT LOSE that key in case you want (a) get your jackets for the way home because it is snowing outside (b) want to use that car again in case it is the only key (c) insert your own reason here (d) a new key is expensive.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

salci - 'celebrate'



x1 celebrates/recognizes/honors x2 (event/abstract) with activity/[party] x3

* [x3 (and nunsla) festival/fiesta/celebration/occasion/fair/[holiday (some senses)]
* not limited to the ameliorative interpretation of 'celebrate': funeral (= mrobixsla)]

(cf. sinma, jbena)

This is the the real word of the day, skina actually is the word-of-yesterday. My inner clock somehow tricked me :) I hope you don't mind, otherwise tell me please.

skina - 'cinema'



x1 is a cinema/movie/film about x2 [plot/theme/subject/activity], filmmaker x3, for audience x4

* also motion picture; x2 may be a convention rather than a subject; cartoon/animation (= selxraci'a skina)
* television/tv show (= tivyskina, regardless of length, factual content, etc.)]; (cf. tivni, vidni, pixra, finti)

As I noticed, my time lags behind one day, so I will post another word today later.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

zgike - 'music'

zgi, gi'e


x1 is music performed/produced by x2 (event)

* x2 event may be person playing instrument, singing, musical source operating/vibrating, etc.
* instrument (= zgica'a)
* play an instrument (= zgica'apli, zgiterca'a, selzgigau, selzgizu'e)
* song (= sagzgi, selsa'a); voice, as used musically (= zgivo'a); composed music (= finzgi)]

(cf. damri, dansu, flani, janbe, jgita, pipno, rilti, tabra, tonga, xagri, siclu)

A rather longish post today, but related to yesterdays post. What words for instruments do you know?

Monday, March 24, 2008

dansu - 'dance'



x1 (individual, mass) dances to accompaniment/music/rhythm x2

(cf. bende, zgike, zajba)

I will consider the suggestion topic "Things you can lose in your pocket" in a later post this week. ;) I have no good idea how to describe this week's topic, so I will add tags later.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

ki'e - thanks

The words of this week summed up:

* danlu 'animal'
* spati 'plant'
* tcima 'weather'
* barja 'bar'
* klaji 'street'

The words of the week before were:

* grute 'fruit'
* stagi 'vegetable'
* citka 'eat'
* jukpa 'cook'
* rectu 'meat'

I hope you liked this week's words. I apologize for the delays on thursday and friday again.

Topic suggestions for next week are welcome.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

klaji - 'street'



x1 is a street/avenue/lane/drive/cul-de-sac/way/alley/[road] at x2 accessing x3

[also corridor; not typically a route between points, but offers access to sites along it];

(cf. naxle, panka, pluta, dargu)

I'm sorry for posting too late again. I've a lot of spare time at the moment and this ruins my daily routine completly. Today's word is klaji.

Friday, March 21, 2008

barja - 'bar'



x1 is a tavern/bar/pub serving x2 to audience/patrons x3

(cf. gusta, birje, jikru, sanmi, vanju, xotli, ckafi, se pinxe)

I defined the environment to be everything found outside your house. Today the word is barja - the reason why this post is about 6 hours late.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

tcima - 'weather'

tim, ti'a


x1 is weather at place/region x2; (adjective:) x1 is meteorological

[climate (= citsyti'a, timymo'a)]
(cf. brife, bumru, carvi, dilnu, bratu)

The weather here is quite rainy with some snowfall from time to time. I do not like it at the moment.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

spati - 'plant'



1 is a plant/herb/greenery of species/strain/cultivar x2

[also (adjective:) x1 is vegetable/vegetal/vegetative]
(cf. genja, grute, gurni, latna, rozgu, stagi, tricu, tsiju, tujli, xruba, xrula, pezli, srasu)

Who as indoor plants? I've a small, nice palm tree. How would you call it in lojban? Thanks to florolf for suggestion spati.

Monday, March 17, 2008

danlu - 'animal'

dal, da'u


x1 is an animal/creature of species x2
x1 is biologically animate

(cf. banfi, cinki, cipni, finpe, jukni, respa, since, mabru, bakni)

I guess tagging your pets or even random animals on the street does not make much sense, but I would be cool if you post words for animals.

Inspired by durkas suggestions "animals" I decided to make this weeks topic vanbi (environment).
Vanbi is very general, so I restrict it to the environment you have when you step outside your house or even leave the city.

There are some good news: durka made a rememberize set of last weeks' words, available at http://rememberize.com/collections/show/672
My files can be found here: http://wwwcip.cs.fau.de/~sichhamm/lojban/files/ I will upload a file with only the words from last week this evening.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

ki'e - thanks

As I promised, no new words on weekends. But I want to thank you for your participation, several people posted photos of tagged things :)

The words of this week are:

* grute 'fruit'
* stagi 'vegetable'
* citka 'eat'
* jukpa 'cook'
* rectu 'meat'

I was thinking about creating some flash card program files from the words every week. I've already created some from the wiki book words on Food and Beverages for my personal use and could also upload them. Question: what flash card programs do you use? I like Anki and Pauker. Pauker files can be imported in Minipauker, a program that runs on mobile phones capable of running java midlets (which btw every newer mobile phone is).

If you have suggestion for next weeks' topic, feel free to comment.

Friday, March 14, 2008

rectu - 'meat'

rec, re'u


x1 is a quantity of/contains meat/flesh from source/animal x2

(cf. sluji.)

The last new word for this week is something many people like: rectu. I hope you liked the words this week. If you have suggestions for the next topic, please comment this entry. I will post a short summary and maybe some flashcard files of words related to cidja tomorrow.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

jukpa - 'cook'



x1 cooks/prepares food-for-eating x2 by recipe/method x3 (process)

Notes: Cook with heat (= glajukpa, glaterjukpa), bake (=
tokyjukpa); fry (= rasyjukpa).

(cf. cupra, bredi)

Before starting to eat, some kinds of food need to be prepared! By the way, we could start a recipe collection of lojban recipes ;-) Unfortunately, the only recipe I can start with is: 'Take the pizza from your freezer, put it in the oven and rescue it before it is completly black. Black smoke indicates failure.'

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

citka - 'eat'



x1 eats/ingests/consumes (transitive verb) x2

(cf. cidja, pinxe, tunlo, xagji, xaksu, batci, gusta, kabri)

I just noticed that I did not know what you do with all the food...know you all do know!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

stagi - 'vegetable'



x1 is the edible x2 portion of plant x3; x1 is a vegetable

Note that fruits and nuts are also vegetables; generally this word will be used for either the general category of edible plants, or for non-fruit vegetables (= nalrutstagi).

(cf. grute, kobli, narge, sluni, spati, sunga, tamca)

Let's continue with stagi what started yesterday, even though most people like fruits more than vegetables. Again, photographs of tagged vegetables from your fridge and words for different types of vegetables are welcome.

"Foods and Beverages" lists some types of vegetables.

Monday, March 10, 2008

grute - 'fruit'



x1 is a fruit [body-part] of species x2

(cf. badna, dembi, figre, guzme, narge, perli, pilka, plise, spati, stagi, tamca, tsiju, tarbi, panzi, rorci, te pruce, jbari, nimre)

I decided that the main topic of this week will be "cidja" (= food). If you have a look at the old word frequency lists you'll see that most of the food-related words have a low frequency count. Even though several people knew quite a lot words I think this is a good start. Anyone eager to have a full dose of new words can have a look at "Foods and Beverages".

A good way of remembering words for things you have in your house is tagging. Simply label things in your house with small pieces of paper. la timos has already started, I think he will post some pictures in a comment later on.

For those of you who want some interaction on this blog, I call on you to post either photos of your tagged food or to comment this post with types of "grute" you can remember without looking it up! This might exceed the idea of "one word a day", but it might make this project interesting for people who have a more advanced knowledge of lojbanic vocabulary or already know the word of the day.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

It is about to start!


starting tomorrow, Monday the 10.03.2008, la timos or me will post one word every day, possibly including examples. On weekends we will post small summaries instead of new words.

This blog is intended to be read via the RSS-feed, so the words come to your favorite news/blog reading place.

I'd appreciate feedback and topic suggestions, feel free to comment my posts.
