Monday, May 12, 2008

balvi - 'future'



x1 is in the future of/later than/after x2 in time sequence; x1 is latter; x2 is former

* also sequel, succeed, successor, follow, come(s) after; time ordering
only (use lidne otherwise)
* aorist in that x1 may overlap in time with x2 as long as it extends afterwards; non-aorist future (= cfabalvi)
* (default x2 is the space time reference, whereupon x1 will occur

(cf. lidne, cabna, purci, farna)

Up to now, most of the valsi I posted where related to real world things. This week I'll try some "abstract" words related to lojban grammar. For those still learning the more basic things it might be useful. Please give some feedback. Moreover I created some words in advance so la timos. can continue my posts if I miss yet another day (:

Todays word is related to the cmavo

ba PU future

which indicates future. See also the Lojban Reference Grammar.


Anonymous said...

Ah, good idea. I think this is going to be a particularly instructive/interesting week ...

Chris said...

Thanks, I hope I will make some good choices ;)

Brett Douglas Williams said...

I posted a simple chart of simple tenses on Jbotcan! mu'o