x1 is a key fitting/releasing/opening/unlocking lock x2, and having relevant properties x3
* [also x2 fastener, mechanism; code key (= termifckiku, kiktermifra)
* x3 is dependent on the type of key, but are those form properties of the key that enable it to serve the function of opening the lock - in the case of a metal key to a padlock, for example, this would be the shaft and teeth]
(cf. stela)
Just in case you wonder how this word relates to all the other words of this week: Assume there is music, you are on a dancefloor and you are given a key for a car which holds yours and your friends' jackets. If you keep dancing, DO NOT LOSE that key in case you want (a) get your jackets for the way home because it is snowing outside (b) want to use that car again in case it is the only key (c) insert your own reason here (d) a new key is expensive.
.i mi finti lo ckiku pixra lo mupli lo ckiku pixra be fi la'o gy. practicalowl .gy noi fukpi be ke'a curmi fi la'o gy. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike .gy .iu .i lo'e ckiku cu melbi mi se'o .i mu'o mi'e la bret.
Thanks for the links .ui maybe I'll create a own flickr gallery for tagged stuff.
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