Thursday, March 13, 2008

jukpa - 'cook'



x1 cooks/prepares food-for-eating x2 by recipe/method x3 (process)

Notes: Cook with heat (= glajukpa, glaterjukpa), bake (=
tokyjukpa); fry (= rasyjukpa).

(cf. cupra, bredi)

Before starting to eat, some kinds of food need to be prepared! By the way, we could start a recipe collection of lojban recipes ;-) Unfortunately, the only recipe I can start with is: 'Take the pizza from your freezer, put it in the oven and rescue it before it is completly black. Black smoke indicates failure.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

coi tcidu
.a'o tixipa .e tixire pluka ko

co'omi'e florolf