This week:
* sidja 'help'
* nitcu 'need'
* djuno 'know'
* dinju 'building'
* cunso 'random'
Thanks for still reading this blog. I apologize for creating posts "in the past". That weeks topic was "random", meaning I just picked up random words from the gismu list because I didn't have a great idea for a new topic. Suggestions, as allways, are welcome.
Just to remember you:
* taxfu 'garment'
* cekra 'shirt'
* palku 'pants'
* skaci 'skirt'
* pastu 'robe'
The words of the week before summed up:
* balvi 'past'
* purci 'future'
* cmima 'member'
* lerfu 'letteral
* zmadu 'more'
The words of the week before the week before were:
* darlu 'argue'
* girzu 'group'
* tinbe 'obey'
* kagni 'company'
* zekri 'crime'
The long-long-time ago words:
* kansa 'with'
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
sidju - 'help'
x1 helps/assists/aids object/person x2 do/achieve/maintain event/activity x3
(cf. cmavo list si'u, rirni, sarji, vipsi, ferti, selfu)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
nitcu - 'need'
x1 needs/requires/is dependent on/[wants] necessity x2 for purpose/action/stage of process x3
* no implication of lack
(cf. banzu, cidja, claxu, pindi, xebni, sarcu, lacri, djica, taske, xagji)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
djuno - 'know'
jun, ju'o
djuno jun ju'o know x1 knows fact(s) x2 (du'u) about subject x3 by epistemology x4
* words usable for epistemology typically have a du'u place; know how to - implying knowledge of method but not necessarily having the ability to practice (= tadjyju'o)
(cf. know/familiar with: se slabu, na'e cnino, na'e fange, cmavo list du'o, cilre, certu, facki, jijnu, jimpe, senpi, smadi, kakne, birti, mipri, morji, saske, viska)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
dinju - 'building'
dij, di'u
x1 is a building/edifice for purpose x2
cf. ginka, zdani, zarci)
Monday, May 26, 2008
cunso - 'random'
cun cu'o
x1 is random/fortuitous/unpredictable under conditions x2, with probability distribution x3.
* Also accidental, chancy, by chance, adventitious, arbitrary
* also = cuncu'a, cunselcu'a, cunjdi, cunseljdi
* based on "unpredictable"
(c.f. cnici, lakne, funca, kalsa, snuti.)
ki'e - thanks
This week:
* taxfu 'garment'
* cekra 'shirt'
* palku 'pants'
* skaci 'skirt'
* pastu 'robe'
Thanks for still reading this blog.
Just to remember you:
* balvi 'past'
* purci 'future'
* cmima 'member'
* lerfu 'letteral
* zmadu 'more'
The words of the week before summed up:
* darlu 'argue'
* girzu 'group'
* tinbe 'obey'
* kagni 'company'
* zekri 'crime'
The words of the week before the week before were:
* kansa 'with'
The long-long-time ago words:
* kelci 'play'
* bende "crew'
* bilma 'ill'
* xrani 'injure'
* gleki 'happy'
* taxfu 'garment'
* cekra 'shirt'
* palku 'pants'
* skaci 'skirt'
* pastu 'robe'
Thanks for still reading this blog.
Just to remember you:
* balvi 'past'
* purci 'future'
* cmima 'member'
* lerfu 'letteral
* zmadu 'more'
The words of the week before summed up:
* darlu 'argue'
* girzu 'group'
* tinbe 'obey'
* kagni 'company'
* zekri 'crime'
The words of the week before the week before were:
* kansa 'with'
The long-long-time ago words:
* kelci 'play'
* bende "crew'
* bilma 'ill'
* xrani 'injure'
* gleki 'happy'
Friday, May 23, 2008
pastu - 'robe'
x1 is a robe/tunic/gown/cloak/dress/[coveralls] [a long/full body garment] of material x2
* also coveralls (= paspalku)
(cf. kosta, taxfu, palku)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
skaci - 'skirt'
x1 is a skirt/kilt/dress of material x2; x1 is skirted [garment open at the bottom; not legged]
* a skirted garment may be full length (pastu), but must hang below the waist from support above or at the waist
(cf. taxfu, palku)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
palku - 'pants'
x1 are pants/trousers/slacks/leggings [legged garment] of material x2
(cf. taxfu, pastu, skaci)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
creka - 'shirt'
x1 is a shirt/blou
se/top [upper-body garment - not necessarily sleeved or buttoned], material x2
Regarding the picture request in yesterdays comment, see . I don't have time to tag the picture and post it to the picture board, but if someone else wants to do that, go head! (;
(cf. taxfu)
Monday, May 19, 2008
taxfu - 'garment'
taf, ta'u
x1 is dress/a garment/clothing for wearing by x2 (gender/species/body part) serving purpose x3
* x2 can wear/is wearing x1
* refers to something intended for use as a garment, not merely something that happens to be worn at some time (which need not be true for dasni)
(cf. creka, cutci, daski, dasni, gluta, kosta, mapku, palku, pastu, skaci, smoka, lunbe)
This is also this weeks topic, following la timos suggestion. I hope it is useful to you. Maybe the gismu picture list has some pictures for visual learners.
Another remark: the gloss word for dasni is 'wear'.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
ki'e - thanks
This week:
* balvi 'past'
* purci 'future'
* cmima 'member'
* lerfu 'letteral
* zmadu 'more'
Thanks for still reading this blog. I'm note quite sure whether the references to the refgram were helpful. There is another link I wanted to post the whole week but forgot every time I wrote a post: . The Lojban Wikipedia has a set of pictures for the gismu which might be helpful to the visual leaner. Maybe someone wants the joint the word of the day with the picture and post it on the lojban picture board at .
Just to remember you:
* darlu 'argue'
* girzu 'group'
* tinbe 'obey'
* kagni 'company'
* zekri 'crime'
The words of the week before summed up:
* kansa 'with'
The words of the week before the week before were:
* kelci 'play'
* bende "crew'
* bilma 'ill'
* xrani 'injure'
* gleki 'happy'
The long-long-time ago words:
* jivna 'compete'
* talsa 'challenge'
* bapli 'force'
* jinga 'win'
* certu 'expert'
* balvi 'past'
* purci 'future'
* cmima 'member'
* lerfu 'letteral
* zmadu 'more'
Thanks for still reading this blog. I'm note quite sure whether the references to the refgram were helpful. There is another link I wanted to post the whole week but forgot every time I wrote a post: . The Lojban Wikipedia has a set of pictures for the gismu which might be helpful to the visual leaner. Maybe someone wants the joint the word of the day with the picture and post it on the lojban picture board at .
Just to remember you:
* darlu 'argue'
* girzu 'group'
* tinbe 'obey'
* kagni 'company'
* zekri 'crime'
The words of the week before summed up:
* kansa 'with'
The words of the week before the week before were:
* kelci 'play'
* bende "crew'
* bilma 'ill'
* xrani 'injure'
* gleki 'happy'
The long-long-time ago words:
* jivna 'compete'
* talsa 'challenge'
* bapli 'force'
* jinga 'win'
* certu 'expert'
Friday, May 16, 2008
zmadu - 'more'
zma, mau
x1 exceeds/is more than x2 in property/quantity x3 (ka/ni) by amount/excess x4
* also positive (= nonmau)
(cf. cmavo list mau, mleca, zenba, jmina, bancu, dukse, traji)
Today I want to point to comparatives and superlatives:
This is the last word of this weeks series. I already have a new topic for next week :)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
lerfu - 'letteral'
x1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a letter/digit/symbol in alphabet/character-set x2 representing x3
* also x1 glyph, rune, character (also me'o BY/word-bu), x2 symbol set
* (adjective:) x1 is alphabetic/symbolic
* "letteral" used by analogy with "numeral"
* sinxa is the more generic symbol
(cf. mifra, namcu, sinxa, pandi)
Today I can point to (Chapter 17: As Easy As A-B-C? The Lojban Letteral System And Its Uses ) as well as (Chapter 4: The Shape Of Words To Come: Lojban Morphology). Enjoy!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
cmima - 'member'
mim, cmi
x1 is a member/element of set x2; x1 belongs to group x2; x1 is amid/among/amongst group x2
* x1 may be a complete or incomplete list of members
* x2 is normally marked by la'i/le'i/lo'i, defining the set in terms of its common property(ies), though it may be a complete enumeration of the membership
(cf. ciste, porsi, jbini, girzu, gunma, klesi, cmavo list mei, kampu, lanzu, liste)
I thought I can draw your attention to the descriptors for masses and sets for some words (as cmima for example) require the usage of these descriptors:
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
purci - 'past'
pur, pru
x1 is in the past of/earlier than/before x2 in time sequence; x1 is former; x2 is latter
* time ordering only (use lidne otherwise)
* aorist in that x1 may overlap in time with x2 as long as it starts before, x1 starts before x2 but is contin
uing during x2 (= cfaprucabna)
* non-aorist before, i.e. x1 is over/ended before x2 starts (= fampru), x1 is completed before x2 starts (= mulpru)
(cf. lidne, balvi, cabna, farna)
Todays word is related to the cmavo
pu PU past
which indicates past tense. See also the Lojban Reference Grammar. There is also a third one, {cabna}, which indicates present, but won't be tomorrows word (:.
Monday, May 12, 2008
balvi - 'future'
x1 is in the future of/later than/after x2 in time sequence; x1 is latter; x2 is former
* also sequel, succeed, successor, follow, come(s) after; time ordering
only (use lidne otherwise)
* aorist in that x1 may overlap in time with x2 as long as it extends afterwards; non-aorist future (= cfabalvi)
* (default x2 is the space time reference, whereupon x1 will occur
(cf. lidne, cabna, purci, farna)
Up to now, most of the valsi I posted where related to real world things. This week I'll try some "abstract" words related to lojban grammar. For those still learning the more basic things it might be useful. Please give some feedback. Moreover I created some words in advance so la timos. can continue my posts if I miss yet another day (:
Todays word is related to the cmavo
ba PU future
which indicates future. See also the Lojban Reference Grammar.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
ki'e - thanks
This week:
* darlu 'argue'
* girzu 'group'
* tinbe 'obey'
* kagni 'company'
* zekri 'crime'
Thanks for still reading this blog.
Just to remember you:
* kansa 'with'
The words of the week before summed up:
* kelci 'play'
* bende "crew'
* bilma 'ill'
* xrani 'injure'
* gleki 'happy'
The words of the week before the week before were:
* jivna 'compete'
* talsa 'challenge'
* bapli 'force'
* jinga 'win'
* certu 'expert'
The long-long-time ago words:
* jaspu 'passport'
* dakli 'sack'
* gugde 'contry'
* solri 'solar'
* zbani 'bay'
* darlu 'argue'
* girzu 'group'
* tinbe 'obey'
* kagni 'company'
* zekri 'crime'
Thanks for still reading this blog.
Just to remember you:
* kansa 'with'
The words of the week before summed up:
* kelci 'play'
* bende "crew'
* bilma 'ill'
* xrani 'injure'
* gleki 'happy'
The words of the week before the week before were:
* jivna 'compete'
* talsa 'challenge'
* bapli 'force'
* jinga 'win'
* certu 'expert'
The long-long-time ago words:
* jaspu 'passport'
* dakli 'sack'
* gugde 'contry'
* solri 'solar'
* zbani 'bay'
Friday, May 9, 2008
zekri - 'crime'
zer, zei
x1 (event/state) is a punishable crime/[taboo/sin] to people/culture/judges/jury x2
* taboo (= kluzei, cacyzei)
* sin (= madzei, jdamadzei)
* heresy (= jdazei)];
(cf. flalu, sfasa, zungi, palci, lijda, pajni, javni, tcaci, marde, pulji, tinbe)
Thursday, May 8, 2008
kagni - 'company'
x1 is a company/corporation/firm/partnership chartered by authority x2 for purpose x3
* also enterprise/organization (if chartered)
(cf. kansa, kamni, banxa, bende)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
tinbe - 'obey'
x1 obeys/follows the command/rule x2 made by x3; (adjective:) x1 is obedient
(cf. minde, lacri, javni, flalu, zekri)
girzu - 'group'
gir, gri
x1 is group/cluster/team showing common property (ka) x2 due to set x3 linked by relations x4
* also collection, team, comprised of, comprising; members x3 (a specification of the complete membership) comprise group x1
* cluster (= kangri)
(cf. bende, ciste, cmima, gunma, panra, cabra, cecmu, kansa, klesi, lanzu, liste, vrici)
This is yesterdays word ;)
Monday, May 5, 2008
darlu - 'argue'
x1 argues for stand x2 against stand x3; [an opponent is not necessary]
(cf. fapro, jamna, sarji, talsa, sumti, tugni, casnu, damba, bradi, tavla)
I'm back and start early before leaving the house so I won't forget posting today! :) This week I'll try to collect a few words you'd encounter while watching news.I'm still looking for a short tag-word.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Hello all,
I'm very sorry for not posting during the last two weeks. I've been busy with other things. I will continue with posting words this Monday. It would be cool to have another team member who backs up the team if noone was able to post a word.
I mentioned a writing contest some posts earlier. I'm now asking if someone is interested. Please comment this entry. I was thinking about two different types: One "freestyle" type with no rules (except for correct lojban) and one with some kind of multiple-choice stories. Who would be in?
I'm very sorry for not posting during the last two weeks. I've been busy with other things. I will continue with posting words this Monday. It would be cool to have another team member who backs up the team if noone was able to post a word.
I mentioned a writing contest some posts earlier. I'm now asking if someone is interested. Please comment this entry. I was thinking about two different types: One "freestyle" type with no rules (except for correct lojban) and one with some kind of multiple-choice stories. Who would be in?
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