kej, cke
x1 feels ashamed/mortified/humiliated under conditions x2 before community/audience x3
cf. cinmo
This is the last word for the topic 'cinmo'. Something different next week.
"ko facki fi lo tolslabu valsi" means "Discover some new words!". This is a small project to make learning new lojbanic (see ) words easier. Simply subscribe to the rss-feed and you will learn a new valsi (gismu or cmavo) nearly every day - except for the weekends. On weekends there will be a repetition of the words from the current week. Enjoy it!
betri is a personal favorite of mine...
xu do lifri lo betri
oi u'u mi skudji zo steba enai zo betri
i mi ta'e steba lo nu pilno la ankis
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