Sunday, August 16, 2015

cnemu - 'reward '

nem ne'u rewar
'reward '
x1 (agent) rewards x2 [recipient] for atypical x3 (event/property) with reward/desserts x4 a 39 [differs from earned payment because of atypical n

[differs from earned payment because of atypical nature; rewards need not be positive but are in some sense deserved from the point of view of the rewarder: positive reward (= zanyne'u), punishment, penalty, demerit (= malne'u, sfane'u); x4 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property; pedantically, for objects/commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object/commodity (= posne'u, posyvelne'u for unambiguous semantics)]; (cf. dunda, friti, jerna, jinga, jivna, pleji, sfasa, venfu, prali, dapma)


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