Monday, April 20, 2009

dacti - object



1 is a material object enduring in space-time; x1 is a thing

cf. marji, xanri

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

tugni - 'agree'

tug tu'i


x1 [person] agrees with person(s)/position/side x2 that x3 (du'u) is true about matter x4

cf. sarxe, mapti, darlu, natfe, panpi, sarji

Sorry, I was quite lazy and didn't post/learn any new words the past days.
u'u .i mi puzi lazni .i mi na puzi cilre lo cnino valsi

Thursday, April 9, 2009

bacru - 'utter'



x1 utters verbally/says/phonates/speaks [vocally makes sound] x2

* also voices; does not necessarily imply communication or audience
* ('says' is usually cusku)

cf. krixa, cusku, casnu, tavla, voksa, pinka

Monday, April 6, 2009

ciska - 'write'



x1 inscribes/writes x2 on display/storage medium x3 with writing implement x4; x1 is a scribe

* also x3 writing surface

cf. papri, penbi, pinsi, tcidu, xatra, pixra, prina, finti for 'author' or specific authorial works, barna, pinka

ki'e - thanks

This time:

* goi - pro-sumti assign
* ko'a - it-1
* ri - last sumti
* vo'a - x1 it
* di'u - last utterance

Quite some grammar this week. Gismu next week. Any special wishes? By the way, what's the status, durka? .u'i

Last week:

* sepli - 'apart'
* preti - 'question'
* xanri - 'imaginary'
* ranxi - 'irony'
* kelci - 'play'

Some time ago:

* zi'e - relative clause joiner
* ku'o - relative clause terminator
* ke'a - relativized it
* poi - restrictive clause

Even longer ago:

* be - link sumti
* bebna - 'foolish'
* cuxna - 'choose'
* roi - quantified tense
* ma'i - in reference frame

Saturday, April 4, 2009

di'u - last utterance


last utterance

pro-sumti: the last utterance

A little bit late..the last one for this week. And, by the way...durka! Don't forget!

Friday, April 3, 2009

vo'a - x1 it


x1 it

pro-sumti: repeats 1st place of main bridi of this sentence

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

ri - last sumti


last sumti

pro-sumti: the last sumti, as determined by back-counting rules

Continuing the pro-sumti-series. By the way, someone remind durka of his plans to finish the valsi-blog-to-rememberize-script!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

ko'a - it-1



pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #1 (specified by goi)

Just ripping the example from the reference grammar:

13.2) le cribe goi ko'a cu xekri
.i ko'a citka le smacu
The bear defined-as it-1 is-black.
It-1 eats the mouse.

I guess this week won't bring anything more interesting than some other pro-sumti-cmavo.

goi - pro-sumti-assign


pro-sumti assign

sumti assignment; used to define/assign ko'a/fo'a series pro-sumti; Latin 'sive'

Two posts today because i missed the one yesterday. Check out the reference grammar on pro-sumti in case it's new for you.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

ki'e - thanks

This time:

* sepli - 'apart'
* preti - 'question'
* xanri - 'imaginary'
* ranxi - 'irony'
* kelci - 'play'

Fixed. Thanks for reading this blog. Maybe it's noteworthy that by now, people from over 40 different countries have stumbled for whatever reason across the blog!

Last week:

* zi'e - relative clause joiner
* ku'o - relative clause terminator
* ke'a - relativized it
* poi - restrictive clause

Some time ago:

* be - link sumti
* bebna - 'foolish'
* cuxna - 'choose'
* roi - quantified tense
* ma'i - in reference frame

Even longer ago:

* smuni - 'meaning'
* platu - 'plan'
* zbasu - 'make'
* larcu - 'art'

Saturday, March 28, 2009

sepli - 'apart'

sep, sei


x1 is apart/separate from x2, separated by partition/wall/gap/interval/separating medium x3

* also aloof (= jiksei)
* alone = rolsmisei meaning apart or unlike all others of its kind
* pavysei, seirpavmei meaning "only" or "one alone" - do not use when talking about, for example, two people who are alone)
* x3 space

cf. bitmu, snuji, senta, fendi, curve, jinsa, bitmu, marbi

I wanted to express {rolsmisei}, but it's not a gismu.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

preti - 'question'

ret, rei


x1 (quoted text) is a question/query about subject x2 by questioner x3 to audience x4

cf. nabmi, danfu, ciksi, frati, spuda, cpedu

Heh, we all do have quite some questions, don't we? The collection at contains some questions without answers yet.

xanri - 'imaginary'



x1 [concept] exists in the imagination of/is imagined by/is imaginary to x2

* also (adjective:) x1 is mental (one sense), x1 is unreal (one sense)
* in spite of the synonym, note that x2 is imaginary does not imply that it doesn't exist in the real world
* the definition is crafted so that one can talk about imaginary things without claiming that they thereby really exist

cf. fatci, senva, sucta, zasti, cfika, dacti, menli, sidbo

Hooray for imagination!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

ranxi - 'irony'



x1 is ironic(al)/contrary to e xpectation x2 in state/property/aspect x3

cf. dukti, frica, cizra

Oh yeah, irony!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

kelci - 'play'

kel, kei


x1 [agent] plays with plaything/toy x2

* play game (= ci'erkei)
* play competitively (= jvikei)

cf. jivna, jinga, zdile

I don't think I have a special topic for this week, just arbitrarily selected words.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

ki'e - thanks

This time:

* zi'e - relative clause joiner
* ku'o - relative clause terminator
* ke'a - relativized it
* poi - restrictive clause

Off by one day, hopefully fixed next week. Thanks for reading this blog.

Last week:

* be - link sumti
* bebna - 'foolish'
* cuxna - 'choose'
* roi - quantified tense
* ma'i - in reference frame

Some time ago:

* smuni - 'meaning'
* platu - 'plan'
* zbasu - 'make'
* larcu - 'art'

Even longer ago:

* spaji - 'surprise'
* tatpi - 'tired'
* melbi - 'beautiful'
* fange - 'foreign'
* mukti - 'motive'

Friday, March 20, 2009

zi'e - relative clause joiner


rel clause joiner

joins relative clauses which apply to the same sumti

Yeah, still relative clauses, hope you still enjoy them. Chapter for today:

ku'o - relative clause terminator


relative clause terminator

elidable terminator: end NOI relative clause; always elidable, but preferred in complex clauses

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ke'a - relativized it


relativized it

pro-sumti: relativized sumti (object of relative clause)

One more ingredient for relative clauses, enjoy!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

poi - restrictive clause


restrictive clause

restrictive relative clause; attaches subordinate bridi with identifying information to a sumti

One of the 100 most used words. For more information on restrictive clauses, check the grammar at chapter 8,

It's hard to keep my Weltanschauung out of this today :!

Monday, March 16, 2009

ki'e - thanks

This time:

* be - link sumti
* bebna - 'foolish'
* cuxna - 'choose'
* roi - quantified tense
* ma'i - in reference frame

Thanks for reading this blog.

Last week:

* smuni - 'meaning'
* platu - 'plan'
* zbasu - 'make'
* larcu - 'art'

Some time ago:

* spaji - 'surprise'
* tatpi - 'tired'
* melbi - 'beautiful'
* fange - 'foreign'
* mukti - 'motive'

Even longer ago:

* cumki - 'possible'
* trina - 'attract'
* sivni - 'private'
* birti - 'certain'
* fliba - 'fail'

Sunday, March 15, 2009

ma'i - in reference frame


in reference frame

manri modal, 1st place (by standard 2) in reference frame ...

Quite usful, for those interested the info on {manri}:

manri | mar | reference | x1 is a frame of reference/standard for observing/measuring/determining x2, with/by rules x3 (x1 may be object or si'o idea) | cf. cmavo list ma'i, ckilu, merli, pajni, cimde, jdice, marde

Actually two words for today...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

roi - quantified tense


quantified tense

converts number to an objectively quantified tense interval modifier; defaults to time tense

So taking {so'e} (PA4, meaning 'most') and prepend it to {roi}, we get {so'eroi} meaning 'usually'.

With 60 hours a day there plenty of time left to learn another word, even at weekends. Hope all of you stuck in a 24 hour cycle will agree...Next break is at 5 new words.


Friday, March 13, 2009

cuxna - 'choose'

cux, cu'a


x1 chooses/selects x2 [choice] from set/sequence of alternatives x3 (complete set)

* also prefer (= nelcu'a)

cf. jdice, pajni, nelci

.uanai ... drumroll ..I define my days to have 60 hours.. ta dah! I fixed the problem with the number of words this week!

Two quick remarks:
From the gismu.txt:
* Note: a complete set can be partially specified with etcetera (ce zo'e)
and it might helpful, at least for forgetful persons (as I am one), to have a quick look at the reference grammar chapter about masses and sets again:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

bebna - 'foolish'



x1 is foolish/silly in event/action/property [folly] (ka) x2; x1 is a boob

cf. fenki, xajmi, prije, fliba

Err, back from testing my time travelling device. Not perfectly accurate...anyways, let's continue learning.
I was told that the rememberize set is going to be updated again! Pretty cool!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

be - link sumti


link sumti

umti link to attach sumti (default x2) to a selbri; used in descriptions

I guess for many followers this is nothing new, but anyways it's an important cmavo I'd say. For those unfamiliar with this for, check out the corresponding chapter of the grammar:

Ah, and in order to paper over the cracks of missing days and too few words, I'll simply add the two related words: {bei} and {be'o}!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

ki'e - thanks

This time:

* smuni - 'meaning' - gestern
* platu - 'plan'
* zbasu - 'make'
* larcu - 'art'

Thanks for reading this blog. For strange reasons my week only had 4 days before the weekend .Oo
Some cmavo next week!

Last week:

* spaji - 'surprise'
* tatpi - 'tired'
* melbi - 'beautiful'
* fange - 'foreign'
* mukti - 'motive'

Some time ago:

* cumki - 'possible'
* trina - 'attract'
* sivni - 'private'
* birti - 'certain'
* fliba - 'fail'

Even longer ago:

* fi'i - 'hospitality'
* nu'e - 'promise'
* ju'i - 'attention'
* ba'a - 'I anticipate'
* pe'i - 'I opine

Friday, February 27, 2009

smuni - 'meaning'

mun, smu


x1 is a meaning/interpretation of x2 recognized/seen/accepted by x3

* referential meaning (=selsni, snismu)

cf. jimpe, sinxa, valsi, tanru, gismu, lujvo, cmavo, jufra

Thursday, February 26, 2009

platu - 'plan'



x1 (agent) plans/designs/plots plan/arrangement/plot/[schematic] x2 for state/process x3

* also invents/organizes; x2 design, scheme; the structure or layout of an object would be represented as a state in x3

cf. cartu

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

zbasu - 'make'



x1 makes/assembles/builds/manufactures/creates x2 out of materials/parts/components x3

Note: should not be used to express causation

cf. cupra, larcu, rutni, finti, gundi

Well, maybe cmavo next week (:

Monday, February 23, 2009

larcu - 'art'



x1 (process) is an art [creative application] of craft/skill x2 (idea/activity)

* (adjective:) x1 is artistic

cf. finti, zbasu, stati

May I point the interested reader to the irregular web comic: - it's quite nice and recently put under the "Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported" license.
By the way, aood opportunity for any semi-talented artist to create some awesome lojbanic comics! Lazy semi-talented artists could also follow the dinosaur-comics at using the same panels over and over again.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

ki'e - thanks

This time:

* spaji - 'surprise'
* tatpi - 'tired'
* melbi - 'beautiful'
* fange - 'foreign'
* mukti - 'motive'

Thanks for reading this blog. Maybe I'll post some cmavo next week.

Last week:

* cumki - 'possible'
* trina - 'attract'
* sivni - 'private'
* birti - 'certain'
* fliba - 'fail' '

Some time ago:

* fi'i - 'hospitality'
* nu'e - 'promise'
* ju'i - 'attention'
* ba'a - 'I anticipate'
* pe'i - 'I opine

Even longer ago:

* prami 'love'
* cfipu 'confusing'
* ckasu 'ridicule'
* ckeji 'ashamed'

Friday, February 20, 2009

spaji - 'surprise'



x1 (event/action abstract) surprises/startles/is unexpected [and generally sudden] to x2

* also expectation (= nalspaji)
* alarm (= tepspaji)

cf. manci, jenca, bredi, suksa

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

tatpi - 'tired'



x1 is tired/fatigued by effort/situation x2 (event); x1 needs/wants rest

cf. cikna, sipna, surla

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

melbi - 'beautiful'

mel, mle


x1 is beautiful/pleasant to x2 in aspect x3 (ka) by aesthetic standard x4

* also: handsome, pretty, gorgeous, cute, comely, graceful

cf. pluka, xamgu

A quite frequently used word I suppose.

But there is another thing I wanted to point out: Some time ago I included a "flagcounter" on the blog, which traces the countries the visitors come from (at least accoring to their ISPs). Up to now, people from more than 20 different countries visited the blog, not counting the people only reading the RSS-feed! Hooray! See for yourself, in case you're interested:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

fange - 'foreign'



x1 is alien/foreign/[exotic]/unfamiliar to x2 in property x3 (ka)

cf. cizra, jbena, ckini

Err, I'll just pretend the previous days did not happen and I'm in time with my posts. Sorry (:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

mukti - 'motive'

muk, mu'i


x1 (action/event/state) motivates/is a motive/incentive for action/event x2, per volition of x3

* also x3 is motivated to bring about result/goal/objective x2 by x1 (= termu'i for reordered places)
* (note that 'under conditions' BAI may apply and be appropriately added to the main predicate level or within the x2 action level)

cf. cmavo list mu'i, nibli, te zukte - generally better for 'goal', se jalge, krinu, rinka, ciksi, djica, xlura

Yeah, some motivation is what I need right now...Sorry for omitting yesterdays posting, I'll do an out of order posting to have 5 words at the end of the week.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

ki'e - thanks

This time:

* cumki - 'possible'
* trina - 'attract'
* sivni - 'private'
* birti - 'certain'
* fliba - 'fail' '

Thanks for reading this blog.

Last week:

* fi'i - 'hospitality'
* nu'e - 'promise'
* ju'i - 'attention'
* ba'a - 'I anticipate'
* pe'i - 'I opine

Some time ago:

* prami 'love'
* cfipu 'confusing'
* ckasu 'ridicule'
* ckeji 'ashamed'

Friday, February 6, 2009

cumki - 'possible'

cum, cu'i


x1 (event/state/property) is possible under conditions x2; x1 may/might occur; x1 is a maybe

* also possibility

cf. lakne, cumki

Thursday, February 5, 2009

trina - 'attract'



x1 attracts/appeals to/lures x2 (person/event) with property/quality x3 (ka)

* also: x1 is alluring to x2

cf. djica, nelci, rigni, xlura, maksi

So, is there another word for prey except maybe the x2 of {kalte}?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

sivni - 'private'



x1 is private/personal/privy/[secret/confidential/confined] to x2; x1 is not-public/hidden

* also: x1 is secret (one sense)
* x2 is in the know/in touch with/privy to x1 (= selsivni for reordered places)
* exclusion can be expressed by na'e(bo) in x2: excluded/in the dark (= nalselsivni)

cf. gubni, mipri

{sivni} is also this weeks topic, because most of the recent posts are connected through recent events in my life.

birti - 'certain'



x1 is certain/sure/positive/convinced that x2 is true

cf. jetnu, jinvi, krici, djuno, senpi, sruma

The gismu {djuno} was already posted quite some time ago. Remember?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

fliba - 'fail'



x1 fails at doing x2 (state/event); x1 is a failure at its role in x2

* baffled (= pesfli, jmifli, dafspufli, menfli, among other senses);
* also x2 ceases/does not complete/fails to continue due to failure on the part of x1

cf. cfila, snada, srera, troci, sisti, ranji, denpa, bebna, zunti

Due to recent events, the 100th posts is 'fail'. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

ki'e - thanks

This time:

* fi'i - 'hospitality'
* nu'e - 'promise'
* ju'i - 'attention'
* ba'a - 'I anticipate'
* pe'i - 'I opine'

Thanks for reading this blog.

Last week:

* prami 'love'
* cfipu 'confusing'
* ckasu 'ridicule'
* ckeji 'ashamed'

Some time ago:

* xenru 'regret'
* pacna 'hope'
* pendo 'friend'
* badri 'sad'
* steba 'frustration'
* cinmo 'emotion'

Even longer ago:

* jarco 'show'
* mapti 'fit'
* judri 'address'
* vreji 'record'
* terpa 'fear'

Friday, January 30, 2009

fi'i - 'hospitality'



vocative: hospitality - inhospitality; you are welcome/ make yourself at home


fi'inai | COI* | inhospitality | vocative: hospitality - inhospitality

A quick follow up...please drop me a comment on irc/blog comment/jabber whether you prefered the cmavo postings over the gismu postings.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

nu'e - 'promise'



vocative: promise - promise release - un-promise

Related to {nu'e} are those two:

nu'ecu'i | COI* | release from promise | vocative: promise - promise release - un-promise
nu'enai | COI* | non-promise | vocative: promise - promise release - un-promise

Should I post more cmavo or restrict to gismu again?

ju'i - 'attention'



vocative: attention - at ease - ignore me

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

ba'a - 'I anticipate'


'I anticipate'

evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember

cf. bavykri, lifri, morji

Those to derive from this:

ba'acu'i | UI*2 | I experience | evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember

ba'anai | UI*2 | I remember | evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember

Monday, January 26, 2009

pe'i - 'I opine'


'I opine'

evidential: I opine (subjective claim)

cf. jinvi

Ha, as nobody commented on a next topic you now have to live with the things I came up (well, timos helped me with it, thanks).
This week I'll post some cmavo which might be useful in conversations. I think most attitudinals are known and I linked the grammar section in one of my previous posts. {pe'i} is a evidential, which can be found in the same chapter as attitudinals, but in subsection 11 (see here: Chapter 11, Subsection 13).

Saturday, January 24, 2009

ki'e - thanks

This time:

* prami 'love'
* cfipu 'confusing'
* ckasu 'ridicule'
* ckeji 'ashamed'

Thanks for reading this blog. I've no idea for a new topic. Suggest something or just live with my random ideas!

Last week:

* xenru 'regret'
* pacna 'hope'
* pendo 'friend'
* badri 'sad'
* steba 'frustration'
* cinmo 'emotion'

Some time ago:

* jarco 'show'
* mapti 'fit'
* judri 'address'
* vreji 'record'
* terpa 'fear'

Even longer ago:

* rinka 'cause'
* krino 'reason'
* gasnu 'do'
* fasnu 'event'
* gleki 'happy'

Ages ago:

* sidja 'help'
* nitcu 'need'
* djuno 'know'
* dinju 'building'
* cunso 'random'

Friday, January 23, 2009

ckeji - 'ashamed'

kej, cke


x1 feels ashamed/mortified/humiliated under conditions x2 before community/audience x3

cf. cinmo

This is the last word for the topic 'cinmo'. Something different next week.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

ckasu - 'ridicule'



x1 ridicules/mocks/scoffs at x2 about x3 (property/event) by doing activity x4 (event)

cf. cmila

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

cfipu - 'confusing'



x1 (event/state) confuses/baffles x2 [observer] due to [confusing] property x3 (ka)

cf. pluja, cfipu, zunti

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

prami - 'love'

pam, pa'i


x1 loves/feels strong affectionate devotion towards x2 (object/state)

* also: x1 is loving towards x2, x1 is a lover of x2 (one sense), x2 is beloved by x1 (= selpa'i for reordered places)

cf. cinmo, xebni, nelci, djica, sinma, pluka, kurji, pendo, speni

I think everyone already knows this word because it's used in quite a big number of examples among the introductionary texts, but nevertheless I post it because it fits the topic.

Monday, January 19, 2009

ki'e - thanks

I think it's time for a summary again:

* xenru 'regret'
* pacna 'hope'
* pendo 'friend'
* badri 'sad'
* steba 'frustration'
* cinmo 'emotion'

Thanks for reading this blog.

Some time ago:

* jarco 'show'
* mapti 'fit'
* judri 'address'
* vreji 'record'
* terpa 'fear'

Even longer ago:

* rinka 'cause'
* krino 'reason'
* gasnu 'do'
* fasnu 'event'
* gleki 'happy'

Ages ago:

* sidja 'help'
* nitcu 'need'
* djuno 'know'
* dinju 'building'
* cunso 'random'

So long ago that I've a hard time remembering:

* taxfu 'garment'
* cekra 'shirt'
* palku 'pants'
* skaci 'skirt'
* pastu 'robe'

xenru - 'regret'



x1 regrets/rues (abstraction) x2; x1 is regretful/rueful/sorry/[remorseful] about x2

also: x1 feels remorse about x2 (= zugyxe'u)

cf. cmavo list .u'u, zungi

Finally a word which references the cmavo lists' attitudinal indicators, so here the link to the chapter in the grammar:;download=y

Sunday, January 18, 2009

pacna - 'hope'



x1 hopes/wishes for/desires x2 (event), expected likelihood x3 (0-1); x1 hopes that x2 happens

* also: x1 is hopeful of x2; x2 will hopefully occur, as hoped for by x1
* the value of x3 is a subjective estimate of likeliness according to x1, and is the basic determinant of whether pacna means 'hope' or 'wish' or 'expect': hoping for objects/states with negligible expectation is "wishing"
* if the state is plausibly likely, it is "hoping"
* when the probability is subjectively near 1, the attitude is described as "expecting"
* the value will usually be expressed using inexact numbers ("li piso'u" to "li piro")
* wish (= sotpa'a), hope (= sorpa'a), expect (= sojypa'a)]

cf. djica

Saturday, January 17, 2009

pendo - 'friend'

ped, pe'o


x1 is/acts as a friend of/to x2 (experiencer); x2 befriends x1

cf. bradi, xendo, nelci, prami, bradi

Though this isn't a feeling, it's the right time for this word.

I think this is the first time I don't post a list of words but a new word on a saturday.

Friday, January 16, 2009

badri - 'sad'



x1 is sad/depressed/dejected/[unhappy/feels sorrow/grief] about x2 (abstraction)

cf. klaku, gleki, betri, cinmo, junri

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

steba - 'frustration'



x1 feels frustration about x2 (abstraction)

cf. cinmo

cinmo - 'emotion'



x1 feels emotion x2 (ka) about x3

* also mood/humor (= nuncni)

cf. cmavo list ci'o, cumla, jilra, nelci, xendo, ckeji, cortu, jgira, kecti, kufra, manci, prami, steba, zungi, badri, burna, gleki

I'll just inserted this post to the date of the day before yesterday to have some topic for the following posts.
Maybe with the help of the follow words better answers to the generic question {do mo} (than {mi zasti}) are possible.