Sunday, February 8, 2009

ki'e - thanks

This time:

* cumki - 'possible'
* trina - 'attract'
* sivni - 'private'
* birti - 'certain'
* fliba - 'fail' '

Thanks for reading this blog.

Last week:

* fi'i - 'hospitality'
* nu'e - 'promise'
* ju'i - 'attention'
* ba'a - 'I anticipate'
* pe'i - 'I opine

Some time ago:

* prami 'love'
* cfipu 'confusing'
* ckasu 'ridicule'
* ckeji 'ashamed'


Anonymous said...

cumki fa lo nu mi birti lo du'u lo sivni be mi cu fliba lo nu trina lo ninmu

Chris said...

lo pinka be lo sivni be mi be'o bei do cu jetnu

Chris said...

Well, at least some posts are partly inspired by that, the rest is just a chain of associations.